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Video / Movens
Entrance Area / Fr + Sat, 14:00 โ€“ 24:00

First level: In the face of the catastrophy, Walter Benjamin's angel has stormed, hurled and blown into the future. The first storm in history is over. Now a figure walking backwards wanders across the square - forever and in geometric patterns.
Second level: The practice of walking backwards seems to lead to a release of the body's own messenger substances, which increase retentiveness. A processiong non-purpose cognitive training.
All together: A speculative Anti-Alzheimer's-statement against ahistoricality and information society. A non-digital body practice for information processing. Open-ended.
Utopian hope. We'll work it out.

Videoperformance: Tanja Brandmayr
Kamera: Sandrik
Videoschnitt: Claudia Dworschak
Tanja Brandmayr has been working for many years and in different contexts between text, staging and art. Art and context research Quasikunst in cooperation with STWST. Also editor and author for the art and culture magazines. Lives in Linz/Austria.

Texts in Versorgerin #119:
Windlines - Tanja Brandmayr