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Tribute to Armin
Sa, 9th, from 20 h / club

On Saturday there will be a tribute for the media theorist Armin Medosch, who died this year - with talk, dinner and Party. Fahir Amir, Richard Barbrook, Camel, Shu Lea Cheang, Walter Gröbchen, mukul, Felix Stalder, James Stevens, Franz Xaver, Ina Zwerger and other friends and guests will be present. The tribute will go into one of the STWST-Schnapsloch-Clubnights.

STWST CLUB, Sa Sept 9th

20.00 – Conversation between friends of Armin Medosch - Richard Barbrook, James Stevens, Shulea Cheang and others, with Felix Stalder.
22.00 – Dinner with Armins friends
23.00 – Schnapsloch Party - with Fahim Amir and Friends.

DJs: mukul, Camel, Walter Gröbchen

Armin Medosch is presenting his book New Tendencies